Coronavirus Updates

Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC) Updates

Enacted as part of the CARES Act in April 2020 and expanded as part of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC or ERTC) has been a...

Q&A on Healthcare Worker Bonus Program: Early Intervention Providers

This webinar is for Early Interventsion Providers. Deadline is October 31st for Vesting Period 1 and 2. **Information as of 10/11/22** Ken Cerini, Managing Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus in regards to EI Providers...

Q&A on Healthcare Worker Bonus Program: Education Providers

This webinar is for Education Providers. Deadline is October 31st for Vesting Period 1 and 2. **Information as of 10/11/22** Ken Cerini, Managing Partner and Shari Diamond, Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus in...

Healthcare Worker Bonus – Education & Early Intervention

When the Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB) program was unveiled in August, educational organizations were included in the list of eligible employers, but with little clarification as to which ones or who would be covered. At the end of August, a memo was distributed by...

Delays of Pandemic Relief for Businesses Continue

Due to delays at the Internal Revenue Service, businesses and organizations are still waiting for the pandemic relief that was promised during the COVID-19 outbreak. Many of them need this money to keep their doors open and employees paid. According to a report issued late last month (link here), the IRS is behind in processing claims for Sick and Family leave Credits and Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERTC”) for as much as 12 months, while other claims for such things as Social Security Tax Deferral have been delayed for some 16 months.

Q&A on Healthcare Worker Bonus Program

*Information as of August 17, 2022* Ken Cerini, Managing Partner and Edward McWilliams, Tax Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus and answered participant questions. General Program Background:- Healthcare Worker...

NYS Unemployment Interest Assessment Surcharge Imposed for 2022

The New York State Department of Labor (DOL) has begun to mail out notices to employers in July 2022 called an Interest Assessment Surcharge (IAS), which will be used to cover the interest on these loans.

NYS COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program

As part of the 2022-23 NYS Budget NYS included a new $250 million program called the “COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program” designed to assist small businesses who incurred costs as part their response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Details of this program were finally made clearer on June 28, 2022.

Universal Free Lunch Expires June 30, 2022

Once the pandemic started in March 2020, schools received a waiver allowing them to serve free meals to all students in the district. The benefit was huge. Now that the pandemic seems to be on its way out, this waiver is set to go away on June 30, 2022. With that in...


As we enter 2022, we continue to see a shift in the physical workplace and what the future of offices will be. Here are some trends we are seeing as we enter into 2022: Downsizing: Going by the average, a standard office lease for a nonprofit in the USA will be around...

Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC) Updates

Enacted as part of the CARES Act in April 2020 and expanded as part of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC or ERTC) has been a...

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Q&A on Healthcare Worker Bonus Program: Education Providers

This webinar is for Education Providers. Deadline is October 31st for Vesting Period 1 and 2. **Information as of 10/11/22** Ken Cerini, Managing Partner and Shari Diamond, Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus in...

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Healthcare Worker Bonus – Education & Early Intervention

When the Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB) program was unveiled in August, educational organizations were included in the list of eligible employers, but with little clarification as to which ones or who would be covered. At the end of August, a memo was distributed by...

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Delays of Pandemic Relief for Businesses Continue

Due to delays at the Internal Revenue Service, businesses and organizations are still waiting for the pandemic relief that was promised during the COVID-19 outbreak. Many of them need this money to keep their doors open and employees paid. According to a report issued late last month (link here), the IRS is behind in processing claims for Sick and Family leave Credits and Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERTC”) for as much as 12 months, while other claims for such things as Social Security Tax Deferral have been delayed for some 16 months.

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Q&A on Healthcare Worker Bonus Program

*Information as of August 17, 2022* Ken Cerini, Managing Partner and Edward McWilliams, Tax Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus and answered participant questions. General Program Background:- Healthcare Worker...

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NYS COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program

As part of the 2022-23 NYS Budget NYS included a new $250 million program called the “COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program” designed to assist small businesses who incurred costs as part their response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Details of this program were finally made clearer on June 28, 2022.

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Universal Free Lunch Expires June 30, 2022

Once the pandemic started in March 2020, schools received a waiver allowing them to serve free meals to all students in the district. The benefit was huge. Now that the pandemic seems to be on its way out, this waiver is set to go away on June 30, 2022. With that in...

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