Companies distracted by the challenges of running their businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic may fall into dangerous and costly pitfalls while trying to maintain a safe and healthy environment for their employees. Don't be one of them. This article outlines the...
Guest Article: A Company’s Best Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Company Whistleblower Hotlines
Changes May Be Coming to A Retirement Plan Near You
The Nick Fury School of Management: How to get the Most from Your Superheroes
Opportunity Zones: The Pathway to Reducing Tax and Improving Communities
Press Release: Cerini & Associates, LLP Strengthens its Practice Appointing Shari Diamond to Partner, Multiple Promotions and New Hires
Guest Article: The House of Development
Guest Article: Surfing a Silver Tsunami
NYS Law Update: Anti-Harassment in the Workplace
“To C or Not to C, that is the Question”
Company Whistleblower Hotlines
Feb 4, 2020
Among many complications and hurdles that businesses may face, data breaches and fraud are among the most damaging and most challenging to control. In 2018, fraud caused over 7 billion dollars in total losses, with 22% of total cases causing losses of over 1 million...
Changes May Be Coming to A Retirement Plan Near You
Apr 25, 2019
New legislation impacting small business retirement plans could soon become law and affect you. The House of Representatives version, the Setting Every Community up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE), and the Senate version, the Retirement Enhancement and...
The Nick Fury School of Management: How to get the Most from Your Superheroes
Apr 24, 2019
With Avengers: Endgame coming out on April 26th, conversations about the Avengers have heated up around the office. The other day, one of my staff asked me “which Avenger are you most like and why?” After thinking for a minute, I responded, “Nick Fury.” Looking at me...
Opportunity Zones: The Pathway to Reducing Tax and Improving Communities
Feb 11, 2019
Included as part of the 2017 tax reform bill the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Opportunity Zones present a new and potentially lucrative tax deferral strategies for certain taxpayers. Taxpayers have the potential to defer current capital gains, potentially eliminate a...
Press Release: Cerini & Associates, LLP Strengthens its Practice Appointing Shari Diamond to Partner, Multiple Promotions and New Hires
Jan 24, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cerini & Associates, LLP Strengthens its Practice Appointing Shari Diamond to Partner, Multiple Promotions and New Hires January 25, 2019 – Bohemia, NY – Cerini & Associates, LLP, a leading audit, tax, and business...
Guest Article: The House of Development
Jul 26, 2018
THE HOUSE OF DEVELOPMENT The House of Development (HOD) is a visual representation of the component parts of a comprehensive development (fundraising) operation. Every nonprofit organization is at a different place on its growth curve, and thus not all of the...
Guest Article: Surfing a Silver Tsunami
Jul 18, 2018
The “Silver Tsunami” is upon us: every day in the United States, 10,000 people turn 65. According to the Administration on Aging, those over 65 represent more than 15% of the population; that will swell to more than 20% of the population in the next decade. Americans...
NYS Law Update: Anti-Harassment in the Workplace
Jun 4, 2018
In light of the high profile cases in recent news, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law new provisions targeted at preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. The new law went into effect on April 12, 2018, and requires New York State employers to:...