On January 18, 2022, Governor Hochul issued the New York State proposed budget. While the main focus of the budget was on public schools, the proposed budget included some increases in areas beneficial to private schools.
Special Education Schools:
The budget included a proposed 11% increase for special education providers to cover tuition-based programs. While this doesn’t fully make up for Governor Hochul’s veto of the parity bill, it sends a message that she is cognizant and sympathetic of the needs of special education providers.
Private Schools:
- Textbook Aid ($170.08 million in 2022-23): These funds reimburse school districts for the purchase of textbooks which are loaned to both public and nonpublic students. This can also apply to certain content-based instructional materials in an electronic format. Districts will be reimbursed for expenses up to $58.25 per student.
- Computer Software Aid ($43.99 million in 2022-23): Aid is provided to districts for the purchase and loan of computer software for use in both public and nonpublic schools. Districts will be reimbursed $14.98 per student.
- Instructional Computer Hardware and Technology Equipment Aid ($35.81 million in 2022-23): This aid category provides reimbursement for eligible expenses up to a wealth-adjusted $24.20 per student for the lease or purchase of mini- and micro-computers, computer terminals, and technology equipment for instructional purposes, as well as for repair costs and for staff development.
- Library Materials Aid ($18.35 million in 2022-23): Districts are reimbursed for approved expenses up to $6.25 per student based upon public and non-public enrollment.
- Learning Technology Grants ($3.29 Million in 2022-23): These programs provide both technology and staff development which facilitate student learning and are for learning technology programs, including services benefiting non-public school students.
- Academic Intervention for Nonpublic Schools ($922,000 in 2022-23): To support a program of academic intervention services to enhance educational performance of students attending nonpublic schools.
- Nonpublic School Aid ($193.13 million in 2022-23): Covers expenditures incurred by nonpublic schools for specified State testing and data-collection activities, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 507 and 508 of the laws of 1974.
- Nonpublic School Health and Safety Projects ($45 million in 2022-23): For capital funding for nonpublic school health and safety projects such as health and safety equipment, security personnel, and related assessments and training needs of nonpublic schools. Eligible costs will also include repair and maintenance of buildings, facilities, appurtenances, equipment, and systems to maintain the health and safety of school building occupants. Funding will be allocated through competitive and non-competitive grants.
- Nonpublic STEM Programs ($55 million in 2022-23): This represents a 37.5% increase over prior year’s support.
Charter Schools:
- The fiscal year 2023 budget increases New York City charter school’s funding by 4.7 percent per student.
- New York City Charter School Rental Assistance ($100 million in 2022-23): To reimburse New York City for charter school rental costs for the 2020-21 school year and prior years.
There are no great surprises here and not a lot of new initiatives, but there are definitely some increases in funding levels. Private schools should already be tapping into many of these funding sources through the home districts of the students that they work with … but even so, some of these programs have been expanded which should be beneficial for your school.
This article was also featured in our newsletter Report Card Vol. 5

James Laino, CPA
James is a Supervisor in Cerini & Associates’ audit and consulting practice. James has more than 8 years of experience providing audit, review, and consulting services.