To be an impactful organization, a nonprofit must make a difference, not just in the lives of the people it serves, but in the community it touches. This year’s finalists in the Cerini & Associates Social Impact Award have been able to leverage their operations to create a ripple of social impact across the communities they serve.
The Ministry for Hope: Hope House, through its Project Hope II program, provides community outreach for individuals who are chronically homeless, with a goal of moving these individuals into permanent supportive housing. In addition, the Organization has implemented a harm reduction strategy that saves people from incarceration, abuse, neglect, and addiction, helping to turn individuals into productive members of society. Overall, Hope House serves over 2,000 people per month.
Long Island Children’s Museum: The Long Island Children’s Museum is not just a museum, it is a cultural center, serving over 250,000 admissions per year; it is a learning center, where teachers learn how to bring lessons to life through interactive exhibits; and it is an equalizer, working with culturally disadvantaged students and their families. And because of this, the LICM is a role model to other museums across the country and around the world.
The Peconic Land Trust: Given the thousands of acres of open space protected, the Peconic Land Trust has had a significant impact on LI. Beyond simply land preservation, the Trust and its “Farms for the Future Initiative,” has had a significant and sustainable social impact by preserving and expanding family farming, an important economic sector on Long Island and a central piece of our heritage and history.
United Way of LI: For 50 years, the United Way has touched more LI based nonprofits than any other agency. They are a catalyst, helping to develop solutions for issues like: lack of education, housing, healthcare, financial stability, and stable employment. The United Way identifies needs on LI and develops initiatives and partnerships with other LI based agencies to meet those needs.
All of these agencies have had tremendous social impact, but this year’s winner of the Cerini & Associates Social Impact is … join us on May 6th at the Crest Hollow Country Club to find out.