Coronavirus Updates

ZOOM Best Practices

Zoom has been around for some time but with the need to work virtually, using this application has provided an effective way to communicate both in the corporate and education sector. Unfortunately, some lax security practices allowed intruders to intercept the video meetings, often inserting offensive and obscene content, creating a new phrase “zoombombers.”

HHS Announced Phase 3 of General Distribution Funding

As part of the ongoing efforts to assist healthcare providers, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on October 1st, 2020 the “Phase 3” of the Provider Relief Fund. Phase 3 releases another $20 Billion of HHS Stimulus funding for providers to...

Partial Plan Terminations: What Employers and Plan Sponsors Should Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought so many different concerns to the forefront for employers, whether it be business owners or executive directors, such as PPP Loans, SBA EIDL loans, CARES Act tax credits, unemployment insurance reimbursements and frankly, just keeping...

HHS Provider Relief Fund Reporting Update

Pursuant to the CARES Act passed in March 2020 and augmented by the Health Care Enhancement Act, the department of Health and Human Services (HHS) made certain relief funding available to healthcare providers to assist in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the to...

Accounting for Unemployment for Self-Insured Nonprofit Organizations

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020, to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on businesses, including nonprofit organizations. For nonprofit organizations that have opted out of the State...

Automating your Business Functions

2020 has been a relentless year of change so far for businesses across all industries. The abrupt “pause” in March experienced by New York businesses was rather disruptive, as no one expected a once in a century pandemic to shutdown day-to-day life not just locally...

From the Field

We asked some industry leaders, what will the sector need to do, post COVID, to remain relevant and strong going forward? I think the sector will need to evaluate their operations in terms of staffing, fundraising, communications, public relations and disaster...

Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

On Friday evening, August 28th, 2020, the IRS and Department of the Treasury released Notice 2020-65 providing brief guidance as it relates to the August 8th, 2020 executive order allowing for a potential employee payroll tax deferral. Executive Order Deferring...

Long-Term Property Solutions Amid COVID Pandemic

We’ve spent the last 5 months answering questions for New York City tenants on how to: navigate rent payment solutions and lease restructuring for existing leases, leverage the COVID-19 NYC real estate market for new or renewed leases, and redesign existing spaces amid social distancing and flexible work strategies to optimize reopening.

5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Business

The whole world has been put on pause because of the COVID pandemic, and for many business owners, the same holds true for their business. We are so bogged down in understanding changing regulations, worrying about CDC guidelines, and getting caught up in the minutia of getting through another COVID quarantine day, that our businesses and our psyche have suffered. Instead of looking at this as another day in the COVID pandemic doldrums, why not use this as a time to try to reinvigorate your business by infusing new energy and strategies.

New York Forward Child Care Incentive

New York Forward Child Care Incentive

In case you missed it, the Office of Child and Family Services (“OCFS”) has made available $48.6 million in the third installment of the federal CARES funding to support child care programs and the families who need child care services.

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ZOOM Best Practices

ZOOM Best Practices

Zoom has been around for some time but with the need to work virtually, using this application has provided an effective way to communicate both in the corporate and education sector. Unfortunately, some lax security practices allowed intruders to intercept the video meetings, often inserting offensive and obscene content, creating a new phrase “zoombombers.”

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HHS Announced Phase 3 of General Distribution Funding

HHS Announced Phase 3 of General Distribution Funding

As part of the ongoing efforts to assist healthcare providers, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on October 1st, 2020 the “Phase 3” of the Provider Relief Fund. Phase 3 releases another $20 Billion of HHS Stimulus funding for providers to...

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HHS Provider Relief Fund Reporting Update

HHS Provider Relief Fund Reporting Update

Pursuant to the CARES Act passed in March 2020 and augmented by the Health Care Enhancement Act, the department of Health and Human Services (HHS) made certain relief funding available to healthcare providers to assist in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the to...

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Automating your Business Functions

Automating your Business Functions

2020 has been a relentless year of change so far for businesses across all industries. The abrupt “pause” in March experienced by New York businesses was rather disruptive, as no one expected a once in a century pandemic to shutdown day-to-day life not just locally...

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