
Cerini Connection: Artificial Intelligence and How to Leverage it

June 2023 Cerini Connection Topic: Artificial Intelligence and How to Leverage it Join Edward McWilliams and guest Paul Trapani of LISTnet for our monthly webinar series helping businesses and nonprofits! This discussion will answer: Is artificial intelligence really...

Cerini Connection: What You Need To Know To Create a Successful Cyber Program

May 2023 Cerini Connection Topic: What You Need To Know To Create a Successful Cyber Program Join Shari Diamond and guest speakers Brian Busto, CEO and Joseph Horowitz, Director of Compliance and Audit of Stetson CyberGroup for our monthly webinar series helping...

Amazon Purchases and Compliance with GML

Documentation of the rationale for the selection of a vendor and their goods and services should be maintained and included as a part of the internal control procedures at any district. For auditors, documentation is paramount to show that goods and services were...

Tips for Effective Board Leadership

Building a strong non-profit organization requires effective leadership, starting with the board of directors. The board of directors is tasked with providing strategic direction to the organization and ensuring the organization is operating in accordance with its...

Regulation Regarding Indirect Cost Audits

Proposals and cost allocation plans in the light of auditor’s independence requirements. The Government Accountability Office (GAO), on January 25, 2002, issued an amendment to Government Auditing Standards (1994 revision), Amendment No. 3, Independence, which...

Nonprofit Succession Planning

Succession planning is an essential process for any business, including non-profit organizations. It is the process of identifying and developing internal talent to fill key leadership positions when they become vacant due to retirement, resignation, or any other...

Nonprofit Collaboration

Collaboration is a powerful tool that can help nonprofit organizations achieve their goals and make a real impact in the communities they serve. Nonprofits that collaborate effectively can share resources, knowledge, and expertise, and build strong relationships with...

Banking Crisis

“Like the ripples from a stone tossed into the pond from the water’s edge, the effects of our choices extend infinitely outward. Even the smallest of acts reverberates in the ears of unwritten histories.” Justin Young For Silicon Valley Bank, the nation’s 16th largest...

Audits of Non-Profit Organizations – Cerini Short

Audits of Non-Profit Organizations Cerini Short In this short, Lauren Grandinetti, Supervisor discusses nonprofit audits and how to prepare for one.

How to Determine if Your Nonprofit Needs an Audit

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in providing services and support to communities and individuals in need. As a nonprofit leader, it is essential to ensure that your organization is financially stable and transparent to donors and stakeholders. One...
NFP Update 2023 Part I: Introduction And Nonprofit Trends

NFP Update 2023 Part I: Introduction And Nonprofit Trends

2023 Nonprofit Update Part I Introduction & Nonprofit Trends Cerini & Associates, LLP, a leader in providing accounting, auditing, and consulting services to nonprofits, held their virtual 2023 annual Nonprofit Update conference on July 28, 2023. The world continues...

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Evaluating Your Accounting Software Needs

Evaluating Your Accounting Software Needs

When was the last time your organization evaluated its accounting software… or maybe you are a start-up, keeping track of your organization’s finances on excel or even paper ledgers and now it is time to upgrade to a more sophisticated system. Many organizations tend...

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Amazon Purchases and Compliance with GML

Amazon Purchases and Compliance with GML

Documentation of the rationale for the selection of a vendor and their goods and services should be maintained and included as a part of the internal control procedures at any district. For auditors, documentation is paramount to show that goods and services were...

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Tips for Effective Board Leadership

Tips for Effective Board Leadership

Building a strong non-profit organization requires effective leadership, starting with the board of directors. The board of directors is tasked with providing strategic direction to the organization and ensuring the organization is operating in accordance with its...

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