This webinar is for Education Providers.
Deadline is October 31st for Vesting Period 1 and 2.
**Information as of 10/11/22**
Ken Cerini, Managing Partner and Shari Diamond, Partner of Cerini & Associates, LLP gave a background of the Healthcare Worker Bonus in regards to Education Providers and answered participant questions.
General Program Background:
– Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB) program was included in the 2022/23 NYS
Budget with an allotment of $1.2 Billion
– Located within Part ZZ of Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2022, the HWB allows for the payment of bonuses to recruit, retain, and reward healthcare workers meeting certain eligibility requirements.
– Only employers who are “Qualified Employers” are eligible for payment from the state for these bonuses to Eligible Employees
– Bonuses can be up to $3,000 per employee, based upon hours worked during designated vesting periods.
– Educational providers are required to comply, with penalties for failure to comply
– The program is still new with many specific questions currently “unanswered”