Long Island Business

Reopening Your Business During COVID-19

We are all anxiously awaiting reopening our doors and returning to some sense of normalcy. However, it is important to follow the mandatory guidelines to ensure you are safely and legally reopening. In addition to following the limitations of openings established by the state-specific Phases, there are explicit guidelines established for each industry.

7 Important Changes as a Result of the PPP Flexibility Act

One of the more popular comments in recent weeks regarding the PPP Loan program by many borrowers has been that the original 8-week window was ultimately too short a period to use the funds. Many borrowers are still unable to resume full or even partial operations, and the short window left many with the prospect of paying employees to not work or not using the funds at all, thereby losing their forgiveness window.

SBA Provides IFR with Limited Guidance on Review Process for Loans

Along with an updated IFR (Interim Final Rule) for forgiveness, the SBA also released on Friday, May 22nd an IFR covering the SBA Review Procedures and related borrower and lender responsibilities. Many borrowers have been curious as to what an SBA review or audit of...

8 Key Updates From New SBA Regulations on Loan Forgiveness

After releasing the PPP Loan Forgiveness application on May 15, 2020, the SBA has now released additional “Interim Final Rules” or IFR in relation to the forgiveness procedures and regulations. These IFRs will generally carry a higher legal standing than the applications themselves and help to formalize the rules that were presented with the application.

Reference Guide for Updated Main Street Loan Program

The Federal Reserve released the first term sheets (and little else) in early April 2020, leaving a comment period open through April 16, 2020. The initial program received over 2,200 comments during this period, and as a result, has undergone some significant changes (including the creation of a 3rd category of loan). The updated release on April 30, 2020 also provided an FAQ to help answer some additional questions that may exist, but many key questions, like how to apply, who is participating, and when the program starts, still exist.

SBA Issues More Guidance on Laid-Off Employees, Extends “Safe Harbor” Repayment Date

The SBA and Treasury continued its trickle of new information so far this week, updating their FAQ on May 3rd and again on May 4th with two critical updates for borrowers.

The Paid Sick Leave Law

The Paid Sick Leave Law (PSLL) was approved by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo on April 3, 2020, adding to the initial PSLL that was signed on March 18, 2020. This was codified under section 196-b of the New York Labor Law, and it states that employees may begin accruing sick leave as of September 30, 2020, and using sick leave as of January 1, 2021. This law covers all employers in New York State and gives employees a minimum of 40 hours of paid or unpaid sick leave and a maximum of 56 paid hours, depending on the net income and size of their employer. This law does

The Impact of Government Funding on PPP Loan Forgiveness

Many companies and organizations have received their PPP loans, which means that they are in the 8- week forgiveness period. During this 8-week period, any qualified costs are potentially forgivable. There are certain criteria that will dictate the forgivable portion, such as the amount of expenses (forgiveness is limited to the actual qualified expenses for the period – though it is still uncertain if this is calculated on the cash, accrual, or some combination of the two), type of expenses (qualified non-salary expenses cannot exceed 25% of the forgiveness amount), level of staff retained (any drop in staff FTE’s will reduce forgiveness), salary levels paid to staff (a reduction in the salary paid to any employee in excess of 25% will reduce forgiveness); and whether any governmental source is directly funding you for any qualified expenditures.

How to Get Documents Signed and Approved While Working Remotely

The Coronavirus has caused an immense strain on legal and transactional work, especially in the avenue of document approval. Important documents, whether personal or professional, have required a physical pen-to-paper signature for thousands of years. But in this new era, with technology being more prevalent than ever and making our lives so much easier, shouldn’t there be a more convenient way to approve documents? As it turns out, there is and it could help you and your company relieve a lot of headaches in the remote world we live in today.

IRS Rules that Expenses Used for PPP Loan Forgiveness are Not Deductible

One of the more interesting provisions under the PPP Loans was that the forgiveness component would not be considered taxable income under Section 108 (which covers forgiveness of debt income). This in turn added to the attractiveness of the program by essentially making the forgiveness a tax-free grant from the government.

Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

On Friday evening, August 28th, 2020, the IRS and Department of the Treasury released Notice 2020-65 providing brief guidance as it relates to the August 8th, 2020 executive order allowing for a potential employee payroll tax deferral. Executive Order Deferring...

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Long-Term Property Solutions Amid COVID Pandemic

Long-Term Property Solutions Amid COVID Pandemic

We’ve spent the last 5 months answering questions for New York City tenants on how to: navigate rent payment solutions and lease restructuring for existing leases, leverage the COVID-19 NYC real estate market for new or renewed leases, and redesign existing spaces amid social distancing and flexible work strategies to optimize reopening.

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5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Business

5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Business

The whole world has been put on pause because of the COVID pandemic, and for many business owners, the same holds true for their business. We are so bogged down in understanding changing regulations, worrying about CDC guidelines, and getting caught up in the minutia of getting through another COVID quarantine day, that our businesses and our psyche have suffered. Instead of looking at this as another day in the COVID pandemic doldrums, why not use this as a time to try to reinvigorate your business by infusing new energy and strategies.

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Making Your Workplace More Caregiver-Friendly

Making Your Workplace More Caregiver-Friendly

1 in 5 working adults are exhausted — physically, mentally, and financially — as they struggle to manage care for aging, chronically ill, or disabled family members. Despite the prevalence, there is no support or infrastructure to help, and many caregivers risk their careers, personal well-being, and finances to help manage care.

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Executive Order Issued Deferring Payroll Taxes for Employees and Poses Huge Questions for Employers

Executive Order Issued Deferring Payroll Taxes for Employees and Poses Huge Questions for Employers

After failing to find a compromise on a new stimulus package by the self-imposed deadline of August 7th, 2020, President Trump issued a new executive order on Saturday August 8th that would defer the withholding of employee payroll taxes. The executive order presents many immediate questions and challenges for employers and it is also likely to face several political challenges over the next few weeks.

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“New” SBA FAQ on Loan Forgiveness Released

“New” SBA FAQ on Loan Forgiveness Released

For weeks, since the last update in June 2020, there have been rumors and reports in professional circles regarding the SBA releasing a new or updated FAQ with around 30 questions that would assist borrowers in their forgiveness calculations. The SBA posted a new update on August 4, 2020 that is believed to be this massive promised update.

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